

来源: | 发布日期:5个月前 | 浏览次数:






  1. **需求对接**:缘通租赁的专业团队第一时间与绿源超市的负责人进行了深入沟通,详细了解其监控区域、画质要求、数据存储需求及租赁期限等具体需求。

  2. **方案定制**:基于客户需求,缘通租赁量身定制了一套包含高清摄像头、云存储服务及远程监控平台的综合租赁方案。该方案不仅满足了超市对监控质量的严格要求,还通过云端存储保障了数据安全,并提供了便捷的远程查看功能。

  3. **快速部署**:在方案确定后,缘通租赁迅速组织技术人员携带设备前往超市,利用专业工具和高效流程,在短时间内完成了所有摄像头的安装与调试工作,确保在节假日前正式投入使用。

  4. **培训与维护**:为确保超市工作人员能够熟练操作监控系统,缘通租赁还提供了专业的使用培训。同时,租赁期间内,缘通租赁承诺提供24小时在线技术支持和定期巡检服务,确保系统稳定运行。








  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Surveillance Camera Rental in Chenzhou, Hunan**

  In the vibrant city of Chenzhou, Hunan Province, the growing awareness of security and surveillance has made short-term rental of surveillance cameras a popular choice for businesses, institutions, and individuals. As a leading rental service provider, Yuantong Rental recently successfully provided efficient and flexible surveillance camera rental services to a well-known supermarket chain in Chenzhou – GreenLife Supermarket, winning high praise from the client.

  **Project Background**:

  With the approaching holiday season, GreenLife Supermarket, a go-to destination for daily shopping in Chenzhou, faced a surge in customer traffic. The management realized that the existing surveillance system fell short in coverage, clarity, and flexibility, necessitating a temporary solution to ensure customer safety, theft prevention, and on-site order. Considering the tight timeline and budget constraints, GreenLife decided to adopt a rental approach for rapid deployment of monitoring equipment.

  **Collaboration Process**:

  1. **Demand Alignment**: Yuantong Rentals professional team promptly communicated with GreenLifes representatives to understand their specific needs regarding monitoring areas, image quality, data storage requirements, and rental duration.

  2. **Customized Solution**: Based on the clients needs, Yuantong Rental tailored a comprehensive rental package including HD cameras, cloud storage services, and a remote monitoring platform. This solution not only met the supermarkets strict monitoring standards but also ensured data security through cloud storage and provided convenient remote access.

  3. **Rapid Deployment**: Following the solutions approval, Yuantong Rentals technicians swiftly arrived at the supermarket and completed the installation and调试of all cameras using professional tools and efficient processes, ensuring they were operational before the holiday rush.

  4. **Training & Maintenance**: To ensure supermarket staff could proficiently operate the surveillance system, Yuantong Rental provided comprehensive usage training. Additionally


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